Fee Table
** Time Charge: the fee amount will be calculated by multiplying the hourly charge rate of each professional by the actual working hours for each case.
International Business
Consultation Fee
11,000 yen for the first hour
After the first hour, 5500 yen will be charged for every 30 minutes
We usually request our clients to come to our office for legal consultations. However, if you live overseas or
quite distant from Nagoya, we do provide legal consultations via video chat on the following services: Zoom, LINE, and Skype. Contact us if you need to use a different video service. All video based legal consultations
require payment in advance.
Establishing a business entity in Japan
Hourly charge: 33,000 yen to 55,000 yen
Rate of hourly charge depends on the case, experience, and so forth
Set price for Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) can be 330,000 yen (excluding company registration fee.)
Investing in a Japanese company / Purchasing ownership of a Japanese company / Investment of real estate in Japan / Withdrawal of business from Japan
Hourly charge: 33,000 yen to 55,000 yen
Rate of hourly charge depends on the case, experience, and so forth
Collection of arrears from a Japanese company
Please refer to the litigation part.
Hiring employees in Japan
110,000 yen to 330,000 yen (excluding visa application. For the visa application, please refer to the “visa application.”)
Travel Allowance
Half day: 33,000 yen to 55,000 yen
One day: 55,000 yen to 110,000 yen
Travel outside Japan is available. Minimum charge is 110,000 yen per day.
Certificate for the Signature/Certified Copy of the Original
11,000 yen for one or two certificates, and 5,500 yen for each certificate thereafter.
Advisory Fee
For the company with its capital 10 million yen or less and 20 employees or less: 33,000 yen+ per month
For the company with its capital less than 300 million yen and less than 300 employees: 55,000 yen+ per month
For the company other than the above: 110,000 yen+ per month
International Family Cases (Divorce, Inheritance, Hague Convention, etc.)
Consultation Fee
11,000 yen for the first hour
After the first hour 5,500 yen will be charged for every 30 minutes.
Divorce Case
(Procedure in Japan)
Initial Fees
Negotiation/Mediation for divorce: 440,000 yen
Session attending fee: 22,000 for each mediation session from 5th session
An estimated 220,000 yen extra fee will be charged, if the case goes to Formal Court Litigation
An estimated 110,000 yen extra fee will be charged, if Alimony Mediation or Visitation Mediation is pending independent from Divorce Mediation
Success Fee:
Resolving a divorce through Negotiation/Mediation... 440,000 yen+
Resolving a divorce through Litigation... 550,000 yen+
Receiving child support through Mediation... 11% of total amount in 2 years
Receiving child support through Litigation... 16.5% of total amount in 2 years
Property distribution / Consolation money... See general litigation fee
Supporting Divorce Procedure in Internationally
Time Charge
Hourly charge: 33,000 yen to 55,000 yen
Hourly charge depends on the case, experience, and so forth
Hague Convention Case
Representation of return procedure:
Initial fee: 550,000 yen or more
Success fee: 550,000 yen or more
Additional charge will apply for appellate court procedure or compulsory enforcement procedure
Representation in mediation for visitation etc.:
Initial fee: 330,000 yen or more
Success fee: 330,000 yen or more
Making a Will
Standard: 220,000 yen
Custom-made: depends on amount of heritage
3 million yen or less…330,000 yen
more than 3 million yen up to 30 million yen... 2.2% + 264,000 yen
more than 30 million yen up to 300 million yen... 0.4% + 480,000 yen
more than 300 million yen... 0.2% + 600,000 yen
Extra charge will apply for special circumstances
Extra 33,000 yen will apply for making notarial document
Negotiation / Mediation for Heritage Distribution (Procedure in Japan)
Initial fee and Success fee will be calculated based on the amount of heritage.
2/3 of general litigation fee will be charged based on your legal share in succession.
330,000 yen is minimum.
1/2 of general litigation initial fee will be charged based on your legal share in succession when the case
changes from mediation to litigation. Success fee will be charged according to the general litigation fee.
Execution of Foreign Testament, Negotiation with an Heir Outside Japan
Time Charge
Hourly charge: 33,000 yen to 55,000 yen
Hourly charge depends on the case, experience, and so forth
Travel Allowance
Half day: 33,000 yen to 55,000 yen
One day: 55,000 yen to 110,000 yen
Travel outside Japan is available. Minimum charge is 110,000 yen per day
Immigration / Refugee Case
Consultation Fee
11,000 yen for the first hour
After the first hour 5,500 yen will be charged for every 30 minutes
Status of Residence (Visa-related)
Standard visa application: 110,000 yen
Complicated visa application:
Initial fee 220,000 yen+
Success fee 220,000 yen+
Representing in the Deportation Procedure:
Initial fee 330,000 yen+
Success fee 550,000 yen+
Representing in the litigation for cancelation of deportation order:
Initial fee 550,000 yen+
Success fee 880,000 yen+
Representing for application of provisional release is only available with another procedure. 110,000 yen+ will
be added to the original fee.
Representing in review of denial of special permission
Accompanied with other procedures 110,000 yen
Not accompanied with other procedures 330,000 yen+(for 3 times)
Refugee Case
Representing in the oral opinion statement and hearing session
Initial fee: 330,000 yen+
Success fee: 550,000 yen+
Representing in the litigation
Initial fee: 550,000 yen+
Success fee: 880,000 yen+
General cases (lawsuits, traffic accidents, labor case, criminal cases, etc.)
Consultation Fee
11,000 yen for the first hour
After first hour, 5,500 yen will be charged for every 30 minutes
Initial fee: calculated based on amount of disputed
2 million yen or less... 220,000 yen (fixed)
more than 2 million yen up to 5 million yen... 7.7% + 55,000 yen.
more than 5 million yen up to 30 million yen... 5.5% + 165,000 yen.
more than 30 million yen up to 100 million yen... 4.4% + 495,000 yen.
over 100 million yen... 3.3% + 1,595,000 yen.
Success fee: calculated based on amount of economical profit you gained
1 million yen or less… 22% (fixed)
more than 1 million yen up to 10 million yen... 16.5% + 55,000 yen
more than 10 million yen up to 100 million yen... 11% + 605,000 yen
over 100 million yen... 8.8% + 2,805,000 yen
Negotiation / Mediation Case
Initial fee and Success fee will be 2/3 of the litigation case.
1/2 of the litigation case initial fee (110,000 yen minimum) will be charged when the case changes from
negotiation to mediation / from negotiation or mediation to litigation.
Provisional Remedies Case
Initial fee is 1/3 of the litigation case initial fee when accompanied with the litigation case. Success fee will be included in the success fee of the litigation case.
Civil Execution
When not accompanied with a litigation case, initial fee and success fee will be 1/2 of a litigation case. When the case is accompanied with a litigation case, initial fee for removal of building case is 220,000 yen, for other cases 110,000 yen. Success fee will be included in success fee for a litigation case.
Labor Case
See litigation case fee
Traffic Accident
<Negotiation / Mediation>
Initial fee: 220,000 yen or more
Success fee: See Negotiation / Mediation case fee
If the insurance company proposal was made before we were introduced to the case, 22% of increased amount.
The initiation fee of the mediation/arbitration proceeding is included in the negotiation fee.
Initial fee: 440,000 yen+
When the case changes from negotiation to litigation, 220,000 yen+ will be added to the original fee.
Success fee: See litigation case fee
If the insurance company proposal was made before we we were introduced to the case, 33% of increased amount.
Criminal Case
Initial fee : 440,000 yen+
55,000 yen extra fee will be charged for each additional indictment
Additional 50% of initial fee will apply for denial case.
The bail request fee: 55,000 yen+ for each request
For the case of Jury trial (saiban-in saiban) the fee will be will determined depending on the case.
Success Fee
Resulting with non-prosecution or summary judgment: 220,000 yen+
Resulting with determined innocent: 660,000 yen+
Gained of the suspension of execution of the sentence: 330,000 yen+
When the request of bail is permitted: additional 110,000 yen will be charged
For the case of Jury trial (saiban-in saiban) the success fee will be determined depending on the case.
Travel Allowance
Half day: 33,000 yen to 55,000 yen
One day: from 55,000 yen to 110,000 yen
Travel outside Japan is available. Minimum charge is 110,000 yen per day
Advisory Fee
For the company with its capital 10 million yen or less and 20 employees or less: 33,000 yen+ per month
For the company with its capital less than 300 million yen and less than 300 employees: 55,000 yen+ per month
For the company other than the above: 110,000 yen+ per month